Jungle Roar Newsletter for August 2017
Published on 7/31/2017
August Jungle Roar
This will be a very short August message. Remember school will beginning shortly which means more traffic and more children on the streets. Please look out for them.
Our (regular) Annual Seafood/Steak Out to Charlies has been set. We will be going on Sunday, August 20th. Same rules apply: No sharing. BRCC pays ½ and you pay ½. Please sign up at the August General Meeting or RSVP Maria by e-mail or text;
Mark your calendars for our Annual BRCC Christmas party. We will be returning to Sno’s in Gonzales on Sunday, December 10th. Cash bar is from 56 P.M. with dinner beginning promptly at 6:00 P.M... We will again be accepting Walmart gift cards in $5.00 increments to send to St. Jude for the kids. More information will be available at the meeting.
Don’t forget this is an election year. If you wish to run for an office or seat on the board and meet the necessary requirements, let me know ASAP.
I would like to welcome our newest members into the club: John Edwards and John & Rebecca Berna. Glad to have you as a part of our corvette family!
Many of our events are listed on the BRCC Calendar. Please check it for the latest information; also, don’t forget to check out our sponsor Ross Downing when purchasing a vehicle or when in need of their service department. Please mention that you are a member of our club.
Finally, don’t forget to “Save the Wave” it’s the proud thing to do!
Jungle Jim McLin President