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Monthly Newsletter for September 2019

Published on 9/3/2019


Jungle Roar


NEW VENUE            NEW VENUE            NEW VENUE


Please be aware for the next 16 months (approx.) our general meetings will be held at the Louisiana Archives Bldg. on Essen Lane.  Time & dates remain the same!  A very special thank you to James McKenzie, Chief of Security for “securing” this meeting space for us!


The National Corvette Caravan Tour is now in the history books for 2019!  Quite a few members joined in the festivities held in Bowling Green.  If the photos posted on F.B. were any indication of the great time enjoyed by all, then there will be lots to hear!


A special thanks to Daryle Gauthier and our members who came out to Ross Downing to cook and serve the Jambalaya meal to the caravan participants and employees of Ross Downing as the motorist passed through.  All were very impressed and grateful for the meal and warm welcome received.  Our BRCC Family at work – making us proud as always!


A beautiful “In Memory” page is now posted on our website of current members who have left us all too soon.  Please take a few moments to view this page and revisit some of the familiar faces of those BRCC Family members we’ve come to know and love over the years!


Homecoming season has kicked off.  Maria is already receiving calls for bookings.  Remember, the success of this club event can only be achieved through your participation.  Please help to drive whenever possible. 


This is an election year for the club.  If you are interested in a Board or Officers position, let your representative know when contacted or call, text or private mail one of us to submit your name.  All nominees need to be in by the September 11th General meeting next week.  Absentee voting will take place at the October 2nd Board Meeting (if there is a need for a runoff election).


As always refer to our Calendar of Events for all up to date information.


Finally, don’t forget to Save the Wave, it’s the proud thing to do!


Jungle Jim McLin
