Jungle Roar
It is with a heavy heart that we send sympathy to Stan & Lynn Richie and family on the passing of their forty-four year old son, Biff.
Sympathy also goes out to Linda Day, our Treasurer, and family on the passing of our dear member, Morris Day Sr., better known to all of us as "Butch". We will miss that great smile and sense of humor. As always, I am very proud of all our members who were able to attend the services. Our other shut ins seem to be holding their own!
Now for some good news! BRCC 2022 - 2023 Officers and Board as of January 1st are as follows:
Officers: President: Davis Rayborn
Vice Pres: Karen Bedell
Secretary: Paula Gautreau
Treasurer: Heather Dore'
Pass Pres: Jim McLin
Board Members: Larry Barrios Steve Jones
Tom Colello Flo Winstead
Valerie Borne David Gautreau
Congratulations to each and every one of you!!!
We regret to inform the membership that yet another car show has been cancelled due to Hurricane IDA. GNOCC's Extravetteganza will not take place this month as originally planned.
If you hear of any other shows not listed on our calendar or that needs to be removed due to cancellation, please inform me, Karen Bedell or Larry Barrios so the proper actions can be taken.
Vettes By The Shore is still on for Halloween weekend. We always have a great time. Maria is coming up to the close of the room block, so get your reservation in now.
Homecomings and parades have taken off again. Maria has been quite consumed with bookings and that is a good thing! Not to be left out, Elaine Peck volunteered to test her new C8 convertible and drove a lovely young member of the Dutchtown High School court on the back of her car. After sustaining no damage she is anticipating driving in our next homecoming or parade.
Karen does a fantastic job of keeping us informed of everything you need to know via our website from car shows to meetings to last minute cruises to out of town shows. Please take advantage of her untiring efforts to keep abreast of events!
Finally the weather is great most days so get out and drive, drive, drive those vettes when you can.
Congratulations to all of you new C8 owners and remember, when out driving in your vettes don’t forget to Save the Wave, it’s the PROUD thing to do!
Jungle Jim McLin, President