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Monthly Newsletter February 2020

Published on 2/3/2020


Jungle Roar

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Anniversary BRCC


In case you’re wondering about the two “Happy’s” above, we all know February 14th is Valentine’s Day.  But, did you know that 4 days later on the 18th the BRCC will be celebrating its 45th Anniversary!?  Yes, on that date the club was officially established and has been growing by leaps and bounds into the wonderful club it is today! 


We are in our busy BRCC Show season.  Each weekend somewhere are ticket sales (usually held on Saturday’s, however in rare cases Sunday’s as well).  Reminders are sent bi-weekly to keep you up on where.  Times are 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. or until Barry dismisses us if sales are popping around closing.  We use this opportunity to put on a display of our cars at the various locations which is a crowd pleaser as well.


Many avenues of work are needed to make each show a success.  Please sign up for a spot if you haven’t already.  If you’re not sure about where you might be needed, contact Mike Segura or Mark & Beverly Bensen.  A lot of information is shared at each meeting and we encourage you to attend whenever possible.


There is so much information available to you on our website and calendar.  Please refer often to this wonderful source for daily updates.


Mardi Gras is here!  We will be driving a few parades and Maria will be looking for some convertibles.  She also advises that Orion’s Parade in Baton Rouge is a fun ride on Saturday the 15th in the evening.  Please contact her to be put on the list.  A signup sheet will be available at the next General Meeting.


A combined Valentine celebration with various area corvette clubs and hosted by GNOCC is Sunday, Feb. 16th at Middendorf’s.  Karen is taking all RSVP’s NOW. 


Slam’d and Cam’d is gearing up for their Raising Canes Center Show.  Don’t wait too long or spots will be gone!  You can register on line. 


Cruise nights should be starting next month so shine those babies up and get them ready.


Congratulations is in order to Davis & Michelle Rayborn on the acquisition of their new 2019 Red Coupe!  Best of luck to you both!


In closing, don’t forget that special someone on February 14th and don’t forget to Save the Wave, it’s the proud thing to do!


Happy Valentine,

Jungle Jim McLin
