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February, 2025

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Monthly gathering at CC‘s Coffee House on Siegen Lane, Suite A
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We will be selling St. Jude Raffle Tickets. We will have our cars on display to help generate more sales. If you aren‘t comfortable selling tickets, you can always help by displaying your car.
Not Your MaMa's Seafood Restaurant
9:15 AM
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Cruise up the bayou and end with a great seafood lunch.
Bring radio, gas up ahead of time or before 9:15 AM.
9:15 AM -- Meet up at RaceTrac, 7332 LA-1 in Addis, LA on the right.
9:30 AM -- We leave the parking lot together. Travel Hwy. 77
Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete for a restroom stop.
11:00 AM -- Lunch at Not Your MaMa‘s Seafood in Livonia.
Dukes Seafood in Denham Springs
2591 S. Range Ave.
Denham Springs, LA 70726
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The Board, Officers and Chairmen for the committees will meet to discuss the agenda.
Walk-On’s Zachary (1 Door)
11:00 AM
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We will be selling St. Jude Raffle Tickets. We will have our cars on display to help generate more sales. If you aren‘t comfortable selling tickets, you can always help by displaying your car.
Walk-On’s Prairieville (1 Door)
11:00 AM
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We will be selling St. Jude Raffle Tickets. We will have our cars on display to help generate more sales. If you aren‘t comfortable selling tickets, you can always help by displaying your car.
Walk-On’s Towne Center (1 Door)
11:00 AM
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We will be selling St. Jude Raffle Tickets. We will have our cars on display to help generate more sales. If you aren‘t comfortable selling tickets, you can always help by displaying your car.
Andy's Frozen Custard
7:00 PM
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Family friendly Car Display the 2nd Saturday of every month. Event by Cars & Coffee Baton Rouge
Rhorer Plaza (adjacent to City Hall)
9:00 AM
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Ceremony honoring Veterans in East Baton Rouge Parish. There are a limited number of allotments for us to display a few cars. This is being coordinated through the City of Baton Rouge‘s Veterans Affairs by Bubba Cashio (225)202-3257.
St. George Fire Station back conference room.
7:00 PM
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Monthly member meeting for all members and prospective members owning Corvettes to gather. Drive that Corvette. We arrive around 6:30 PM to socialize prior to our meeting start time. After the meeting, we will dine at a restaurant close by announced during the meeting for a head count.
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Car display every 3rd Saturday of the month at CC‘s Coffee in Central.
Live Oak Baptist Church
9:00 AM
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Car Show, Jambalaya Cook Off and garage Sale
$25.00 entry fee
Middendorf's Seafood Restaurant
9:15 AM
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Annual Valentine cruise with 5 Corvette clubs. We fill up Middendorf‘s Seafood restaurant for lunch all together. Wear your club shirt for sure and drive that Corvette. Always a great event. Sign up at the meetings, MUST have already given your RSVP to attend. Meet up at Springfield/Albany exit 32 Welcome Center at 9:15 AM and leave promptly at 9:30 AM.
Parade is through Downtown Baton Rouge.
Meeting at TJ Ribs on Acadian Thruway to caravan to lin
7:00 PM
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Parade through downtown Baton Rouge. All Cars are welcome to participate in this parade. Bring plenty of throws and/or candy.
Meet: TJ Ribs Acadian Thruway
Time: 5:30 PM
Leave: 5:45 PM
Parade Lineup: 6:00 PM
The Wharf Orange Beach, AL
8:00 AM
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A fantastic weekend at The Wharf in Orange Beach, AL. An open car show, seafood festival and HUGE arts and crafts vendor event right on Main St. Some members will be renting a condo at The Wharf through Vacasa for a long weekend. You can stay at SpringHill Suites The Wharf also - 251-943-6600. The entire show is on Saturday but great shopping and restaurants right on Main St. within walking distance. $100 entry fee goes to their charity.
Alexanders Harvest Market
9:00 AM
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We will be selling St. Jude Raffle Tickets. We will have our cars on display to help generate more sales. If you aren‘t comfortable selling tickets, you can always help by displaying your car.
Parade through Downtown Baton Rouge, meet at TJ Ribs
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Parade in Downtown Baton Rouge open to ALL members with limited availability. Please contact Maria McLin if you would like to participate.
Meet at TJ Ribs on Acadian Thruway at 12:30 PM; leave at 12:45 PM for parade lineup @ 1:00 PM
Parade begins @ 2:00 PM
Downtown Baton Rouge. Meeting at TJ Ribs
6:30 PM
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This parade is OPEN to all Members. Parade is through Downtown Baton Rouge.
Meeting at TJ Ribs for 4:30 PM; leave for 4:45 PM; line up is 5:00 PM.